Tag: Dale Carnegie

  • Want happiness? Build more relationships

    Saint Paul

    “Ah yes! My Dale Carnegie feedback!” I said, picking up the notecards from the floor.

    As I read them, each made me smile.

    Maybe you know this, but years ago, I took the Dale Carnegie communications course.

    Carnegie wrote the book, How to Win Friends and Influence People.

    And the Carnegie course helped my relationships, my confidence, and my public speaking (like my recent gig at B2B Forum in Boston).

    But none of that had the impact that these cards have.

    Let me explain.

  • How to Agree Even When You Don’t Agree

    Almost any discussion breaks down when one side stops listening to the other side.

    Which is to say, almost every discussion.

    You have points that you want to make and obviously the other side doesn’t have their facts straight. Because if they did, they wouldn’t be on the other side.

  • Denny Hatch’s 7 Emotional Buttons to Get People to Take Action!

    Denny Hatch is an “old-school” marketer and copywriter that cut his teeth with direct mail, long before the internet was a thing.

    The emotions Hatch identifies in his out-of-print book The Secrets of Emotional, Hot-Button COPYWRITING get people’s juices flowing.

    Emotions, it should be said, are the basis for most decisions that people make (but I suspect you already knew that, you wise cookie you… and if you didn’t know it — good on you for wanting to learn!)

  • How to Stop Worrying

    Humans have the unique ability, so far as we know, to think abstractly about the future and make plans around those possible outcomes.

    Abstract thought is a driver for human growth and ingenuity. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to plan for the future. You wouldn’t be able to tease apart cause and effect. You wouldn’t have scientific advancements and would be forever stuck in a world of superstition.

  • Destructive Power of “Why”

    Behold… the Destructive Power of Why!


    Saint Paul

    Yesterday we discussed how we can increase support and investment in our ideas and plans.

    Check it out if you haven’t seen it:


    Today we’re looking at the destructive power of the word Why: (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Brain" by the Lovelorn Poets, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Brain” by the Lovelorn Poets, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #rapport #confidence #conversation #science #drugs #meditation


  • Use This Easy Visual to Help Build Rapport

    Here’s a shocker that you may have heard from me beforePeople want to help other people that they like!

    "Friends :-)" by @BK, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Do your friends make you feel good? “Friends :-)” by @BK, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    When people like you, they want to help you. They want to spend time with you. They want to do business with you.

    So how do you get people to like you? How do you build that rapport? (more…)

  • Better Sales with Stephen R. Moore
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 001)

    Stephen R. Moore sat patiently across from me while I fidgeted with my mobile phone. I didn’t know how my first podcast was going to turn out. I was trying to keep my nerves under control, play it cool, and not waste his time.

    Stephen is a leadership and sales coach, helping corporate clients in the car industry get better customer satisfaction and results. His cooperative, Leadership3P, pulls in over $600,000 every year.

    His time is valuable, to say the least.

    We were already off to a rough start. My plan to

    Stephen R. Moore, the Uplifter
    The Uplifter was an inspiring first podcast. I am eternally grateful!

    meet in a quiet library didn’t work out due to a national holiday (A sincere thank you to all of our nation’s military veterans for your service).

    I hadn’t made a backup plan. In my scramble to find a new location, I chose what must have been the loudest coffee shop in miles. (more…)

  • How to Win at the Thanksgiving Table

    Happy Thanksgiving to all my friends with PRL!

    This Thanksgiving you’re certain to find yourself in a conversation about politics.

    Trust me! This is a toxic conversation that you do not want to be a part of.

    As Dale Carnegie teaches us,

    The Only Way to Get the Best of an Argument is to Avoid It!

    If you cannot avoid an argument, I encourage you to ask questions of the other people. Listen and ask questions. Work to understand their positions, with your questions leading people to a high ground position where everyone agrees.

    • Yes, these scandals are horrible. No one deserves to be treated like this, don’t you agree?
    • Yes, the President does say some provocative things. Does it help him keep the conversation focused where he wants?

    If you’re unable to bring the conversation to a higher level, you risk telling someone they’re wrong.

    Never tell someone they’re wrong!

    They’ll fall back into a defensive position, justify everything they’ve said, and point the finger back at you to tell you why you’re wrong.

    Instead, do your best to paraphrase the words of the other, in a sincere attempt to understand them. Let them talk themselves out for a while. They might want to be heard, might want to be right. You’re not going to change it over the weekend.

    And then remind everyone that you’re thankful that you’re all family, that you want to enjoy the weekend together, and that politics could spoil everything so let’s talk about something else.

    No one wants to spoil the party. Give them an out from the toxic conversation, and move on.

    I recorded a short (5 minute) video discussing these ideas, you can see it here:


    If you think this will be helpful for others that you know, please feel free to share this with your friends and family!

    Thanks PRL readers, and enjoy your Thanksgiving Holiday!


    Click Here to Join the Free PRL email list now

  • Living with Happiness

    The Secret calls it Living in Bliss.

    Tony Robins calls it Living in a Beautiful State.

    Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls it the Flow.

    Lao Tzu wrote about Tao, the Way of the Universe, in the 4th century BCE.

    Whatever name you give it, when you are happy your life is much better. Time disappears. Everything seems easier.

    I have the Chinese character of Tao hanging on my wall among the photos that make me happy.
    I have the Chinese character of Tao hanging on my wall among the photos that make me happy.

    Imagine a pleasant summer morning. The world seems a bit lazier today. You hear the birds singing as you make your way to work. The sunlight warms your head. You hear your favorite song just before you arrive. Your smile is mirrored back to you by a coworker.

    You know it’s going to be a great day. Confirmation bias will help to ensure it. (more…)