Tag: contrast

  • Denny Hatch’s 7 Emotional Buttons to Get People to Take Action!

    Denny Hatch is an “old-school” marketer and copywriter that cut his teeth with direct mail, long before the internet was a thing.

    The emotions Hatch identifies in his out-of-print book The Secrets of Emotional, Hot-Button COPYWRITING get people’s juices flowing.

    Emotions, it should be said, are the basis for most decisions that people make (but I suspect you already knew that, you wise cookie you… and if you didn’t know it — good on you for wanting to learn!)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "Cars on I-90 floating bridge" by Seattle Municipal Archives, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    We can’t have rough waters without knowing smooth waters: contrast is in our human nature to find and embrace. Photo “Cars on I-90 floating bridge” by Seattle Municipal Archives, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #contrast #appreciation #motivation #compensation #fakenews #politics


  • Ralphy Emerson’s ideas on duality and contrast

    Yesterday I wrote a bit about Ralph Waldo Emerson’s essay, Compensation.

    In the essay, Emerson argues that everyone is compensated, for the good or the bad, in relation to the good or bad they bring to others in the world.

    Good, or bad. These are relative terms, of course, defined by their polarizing nature. You can’t have one without the other.

    The compiled Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson
    The compiled Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Emerson’s Compensation opens with a discussion of the polarity of nature, (more…)

  • A New Look at Prospect Theory


    Saint Paul


    Hey there. I was just thinking — PRL readers are the best.

    This past weekend I emailed about Mindset and letting Reality flow—

    “Don’t force a round peg into a square hole” kinda thing (actually it was exactly that).

    Anyway, one Mr. Haris P. wrote back to agree:

    Mindset is everything, you are right. When I get stressed I stop and think of the Prospect Theory that has been fascinating me since I first read it some years ago.  To make a long story short, we always judge situations comparing to something else (point of reference).
    When I am stressful at work for example, I stop and think how is my life, what are the real things I value (family, friends and health basically). Suddenly all other issues seem unimportant and trivial. Everything has a solution (apart form health problems) so I should just carry on, find the strength and courage to face my hesitations and fears.
    In a few words, I change the mindset and everything seems crystal clear.

    Second off, I agree completely with Haris.

    Perspective, framing, and contrast all help us to see the situation and get a handle on our emotions and mindset.

    But backing up to First off… my immediate reaction was whoa. I hadn’t thought of Prospect Theory quite like that before. (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "IMG_2810_1" by Allie, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Photo “IMG_2810_1” by Allie, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #Trump #interest #persuasion #advertising #contrast #hypnosis #opticalillusion #genuine

    Big List Today! Including a Free UDemy Course on Hypnosis and a chance for your free ebook, The Easy Way to Start a Conversation


  • 10 Things You’ll Learn in “Win Bigly” by Scott Adams

    Way back in 2012, my wife and I traveled by Amtrak train to Chicago to visit some friends. Between card games in the bar car and beautiful scenery out the window, I read a book about Negotiation.

    I was interested in making more money. I wasn’t sure how to ask or even if I was in the right profession. (more…)