#photography #video #bodylanguage #siliconevalley #confirmationbias #justification #memory #cognitivedissonance
#photography #video #bodylanguage #siliconevalley #confirmationbias #justification #memory #cognitivedissonance
“Why do you hate so-and-so, so much?” And he had answered them, with his shameless impudence, “I’ll tell you. He has done me no harm. But I played him a dirty trick, and ever since I have hated him.”
–Dostoyevsky, “The Brothers Karamazov”
The human brain is excellent at keeping itself free of blame. We have a self-image that we’re a good person, and we also do things that harm others. The cognitive dissonance this causes can be uncomfortable… until we rewrite our memories or justify our actions. (more…)
#confirmationbias #technology #kids #stress #friction #healthcare
Last Friday I got a message from the Universe. Sunday I got another.
Let me back up.
When I first started PersuasionReadingList.com, an early post was about the confirmation bias I had experienced at the time. Numerous, unrelated sources had all suggested that I Offer Water to people.
Coming from multiple sources, it was as if the Universe was talking to me, making sure I didn’t miss the message. I still offer water, the source of life.
There were other messages around that time, too. Learn about Persuasion was one message. Think Big was another.
And now, the Universe is Back.
#news #tech #lefty #memory #rapport (more…)
The Secret calls it Living in Bliss.
Tony Robins calls it Living in a Beautiful State.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi calls it the Flow.
Lao Tzu wrote about Tao, the Way of the Universe, in the 4th century BCE.
Whatever name you give it, when you are happy your life is much better. Time disappears. Everything seems easier.
Imagine a pleasant summer morning. The world seems a bit lazier today. You hear the birds singing as you make your way to work. The sunlight warms your head. You hear your favorite song just before you arrive. Your smile is mirrored back to you by a coworker.
You know it’s going to be a great day. Confirmation bias will help to ensure it. (more…)
#confirmationbias #nazi #colors #morals #panic #calm #focus #probability #bodylanguage