Tag: confirmation bias

  • Seneca’s Letter 26 (Annual birthday post)

    1:38pm Tuesday
    Saint Paul

    Hey, thanks for joining me on my birthday!

    Every year… for a few years at least… I reread Seneca’s Letter to a Stoic, number 26, and reflect on the fact that we’re all getting older.

    Turns out, this year is no different—I got older again.

    In letter 26, Seneca is estimated to be about age 65.

    Today, I turn 45.

    So he has a few more years on me.

    And when he writes,

    “I feel that age has done no damage to my mind,”

    I can very much agree.

    In fact, as I age, I can see things more clearly than ever.

    Or, at least, it feels that way. (Could be confirmation bias.)

    What’s more striking, however, is his line

  • Your brain controls the Universe

    My daughter recently mentioned that a scientist visiting her 1st grade classroom told the students that their brain power couldn’t move the physical world.

    I disagree.

    Yes, the common concept of telekinesis is unproven. Science has not been able to measure any sort of change to large physical items when a person or group concentrates on that item.

    Balls don’t roll. Coins don’t flip.

    Those aren’t the changes that an average brain can influence…

  • Different Realities — Which Do You Live In?

    11:05 pm

    Saint Paul, Minnesota

    Years ago, when I first started reading and writing about persuasion, I found myself moving further to the political right. Or, perhaps, further from the current political left.

    Learning about the tools and techniques of persuasion, I could see the manipulation of the population and how easily our energy is directed.

    Persuasion, at its core, is getting someone to see the benefits of an action or a believe, and to change their behavior ‘for the better’ because of it.

    Manipulation, on the other hand, benefits the manipulator but not the manipulated. Rioting, anyone?

    When you’re the first to mention an idea, you “win” that mind space. This is the purpose of a Blue Ocean strategy, that you define a new market and you’re the only one serving it.

    But when someone already has an idea and you’re hoping to persuade them to see the benefit of its opposite? Much harder.

  • Divided We Fall


    Saint Paul

    Late last night I wrote about the divisions we see around us.

    People are hurting, people are pointing fingers, people are acting and reacting and ratcheting up their responses.

    My city, and others, are being destroyed because we’re being divided. Divided by labels, instilled through fear of Us vs Them.

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Stories captivate our imagination and help to pass along important lessons and information.
    What changes can you make —what demons can you slay— to increase your effectiveness and drive?

    #thinking #memory #pornography #marketing #peak-end-rule #confirmation-bias


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "001102" by my new favorite photographer Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    What you focus on assumes increased importance: Focusing Illusion. Photo “001102” by my new favorite photographer
    Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #desire #focusingillusion #reactance #enemy #choices #marketing #indoctrination #sales #motivation #socialproof #authority #Ikea #blame #mimeticconflict #status #confirmationbias


  • Mirror, mirror, on the wall…

    This weekend, many of my experiences seemed to revolve around the ideas of mirrors, mimicry, and imitation. It felt like a convergence of the universe onto this topic, something I like to call…

    The Universe is Talking to Me

    Mirrors were oce considered supernatural and taboo… Image "Touch" by Katie Tegtmeyer, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Mirrors were oce considered supernatural and taboo… Image “Touch” by Katie Tegtmeyer, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • 2-4-6-8, who do you appreciate?

    The Universe is at it again, bringing me a message over and over to make sure I hear it.

    (Also known as ‘Confirmation Bias,’ where my brain recognizes patterns in the randomness of the world)

    Photo "Brothers in a Dangerous Trade" by Joel Penner, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Incoming Transmission from the Universe! Photo “Brothers in a Dangerous Trade” by Joel Penner, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • Business Growth with Ben Settle
    (Persuasion Play Podcast 007)

    I’m not entirely sure when I first heard about copywriter Ben Settle from  BenSettle.com. I signed up for his daily email list in July of 2018, some 10 months ago. I’ve since received over 600 emails from him.

    And I open every one.

    Ben’s emails discuss email marketing and adjusting your mindset towards success.

    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice
    Ben Settle is known for hi daily email methods and business advice


  • What is your label doing for you?

    Confirmation bias, straight ahead!

    Saint Paul, MN

    Be careful what you wish for…

    the saying goes…

    you just might get it.

    Our brains have an excellent ability to find examples in the world to confirm our theories and prove that we’re right… even about our selves.

    This is confirmation bias— the phenomenon that new information confirms what we already ‘know.’ (more…)