Check out this great song by
Phil Collins.
Saint Paul, MN
I really do like Phil Collins as a solo artist.
(Bring on the hate.) (more…)
Saint Paul, MN
I really do like Phil Collins as a solo artist.
(Bring on the hate.) (more…)
My new boots came in the mail. They were far too small. I felt like a kid again and my feet had grown over the summer.
These boots had everything I wanted. Leather, waterproof, and insulated, I expected to keep them for years. But of course, they had to fit right.
Luckily, the online retailer made the exchange simple and free. I mailed the boots in to try a second pair, and I waited.
It was going to be a cold, snowy Thanksgiving in Wisconsin.
This is the 10th part in a series covering the current PRL book selection, My Life in Advertising.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Over 100 years ago, steam-powered automobiles were a novelty to many and a luxury to the few who could afford them. With time, the technology improved and the cost dropped.
We’re in a similar situation with Tesla and other high-end vehicles. And their ad methods haven’t changed much in those 100+ years. (more…)
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