Tag: communication

  • Two essentials to high-ticket sales

    Saint Paul

    Don’t you hate unproductive meetings?

    I’m at my table sipping coffee after a morning run, looking over my notes from a meeting yesterday.

    A rather unproductive one.

    The guest speaker couldn’t give concrete examples of his ideas. He kept trailing off… changing topics mid-sentence… and never completing a thought.

    In short: he couldn’t communicate well. And without examples of his work or ideas… he wasn’t earning my trust.

    It was frustrating and even the host didn’t seem to know where to take the directionless conversation.

    But not all is lost!

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Brain" by wyinoue, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Getting people on the same brain wavelength is essential to connect and persuade. “Brain” by wyinoue, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #brains #magic #communication #mood #nudge #focus


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Kids eating cake" by Jessie Pearl, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Kids eating cake” by Jessie Pearl, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #marketing #news #liking #memory #communication #risk #listen #story


  • Mind Reading isn’t Real. Here’s How to Do It.

    Mind reading, the art of knowing exactly what the other person is thinking.

    It’s a dangerous sport, and one that we’re not very good at. It’s the source of many disagreements and misunderstandings. No matter, we all continue to try.

    Image "distant distance" by Rennett Stowe, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    We believe we know what other people are thinking. Image “distant distance” by Rennett Stowe, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    I’ve certainly tried to finish someone’s sentences and been completely wrong. Haven’t you cut in because you knew exactly what the other person was going to say? How did that work out for you? Not always very well, I would bet.

    “I opened the door to see…”

    “…She was in the house!?” (more…)

  • “Verbal Judo” and 10 Things You’ll Learn from George J. Thompson

    People hardly ever say what they mean. Most people are driven by emotions, especially in highly-charged circumstances. Their words reflect those emotions, even if they act otherwise.

    The kid (or coworker) that grumbles throughout a task — is still doing that task (even though she’s not framing it in a positive way).

    "Verbal Judo" teaches you to redirect verbal aggression as a Professional
    “Verbal Judo” teaches you to redirect verbal aggression as a Professional

    The spouse, during an argument, who throws out the incorrect idea that (more…)

  • Never Expect Perfection

    Communication is hard.

    We have to find the right words to express our idea in a way that the other person can decode and understand in their own brains.

    "Oysterman, FSA" photograph by Russell Lee, public domain, 1938
    This is what you asked me to do, right? “Oysterman, FSA” photograph by Russell Lee, public domain, 1938

    Translating our ideas to others is hard. Their own perspectives color their understanding.

    I’ve been learning this a lot lately. (more…)