Tag: awareness

  • This ONE Word Sold Me

    Saint Paul

    Heading to my parents’ for Sunday dinner last night when just ONE WORD made me pull a u-turn and whip out my wallet.

  • Positive vs Negative Headlines–Which is BEST?

    Saint Paul

    Let me ask you:

    Which works better as a headline: highlighting a problem, or highlighting a solution?

    I ask because I’m reading John Caples’ “Tested Advertising Methods” right now–4th edition, thank you for asking.

    (Which, by the way, a few years back I could only find the 4th edition in Canada, and the seller would only ship to Canada. Knowing that the 5th Edition sucks (from my own personal experience), I found myself a Canadian mule…)


    In it, Caples says that headlines that highlight the positive tend to out-pull the negative.

    Because, he reasons… who wants to read an ad about problems?

    And while he has a point…

  • Online Ads that Work

    11:54am Friday

    Ever put out an ad on Google or Facebook or whatever…

    And it just didn’t “work?”

    Low clicks… and even fewer sales?

    Here are three reasons why your ads may fail… and how to fix ’em.

    1. If your ad is targeting the wrong audience, you won’t get clicks. Fix that by either targeting better… or—contrary to a lot of advice—don’t target at all!

    Why not target, you ask?
