Tag: advertising

  • 10 Things You’ll Learn in “The System Club Letters” by Ken McCarthy

    11:17pm Tuesday
    Saint Paul, Minnesota

    Good day reader, what’s the news?

    Marketing has been keeping me busy.

    ‘Busy’ is one thing… but I’m looking for a Big Idea.

    Because I don’t know–

    What’s my next step with Persuasion Reading List?

    "The System Club Letters" by Ken McCarthy. Photo by Jeffrey Thomas
    “The System Club Letters” by Ken McCarthy. Photo by Jeffrey Thomas

    Lucky me, Ken McCarthy has me covered in chapters 31 to 34 of his book, The System Club Letters: 57 Big Ideas to Transform Your Business and Your Life.

    The other 53 chapters are pretty insightful too.


  • “Obvious Adams” by Robert Updegraff (Persuasion Play Podcast 003)

    I started the persuasion and marketing book reviews on PersuasionReadingList.com (now Goldmine.Marketing) in 2016. The first was My Life in Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins, a classic written in 1927.

    Since then, I’ve summarized my favorite lessons from dozens of books — and I have dozens of other marketing, copywriting, and persuasion books on my shelf that I’ve read but not written about.

    Can you justify such behavior? Image from Steve Martin's movie "The Jerk", 1979
    Image from Steve Martin’s movie “The Jerk”, 1979

    It’s been fun and educational on my end — and I hope on your end too!

    As I continue along my journey, learning about the forces that influence us and how we, in turn, can influence the world around us, I was bound to (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "IMG_2810_1" by Allie, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Photo “IMG_2810_1” by Allie, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #Trump #interest #persuasion #advertising #contrast #hypnosis #opticalillusion #genuine

    Big List Today! Including a Free UDemy Course on Hypnosis and a chance for your free ebook, The Easy Way to Start a Conversation


  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    Photo "CL Society 218: Crossing arms" by Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Photo “CL Society 218: Crossing arms” by
    Francisco Osorio, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    #fail #win #drive #persuasion #bias #japan #trains #smoking #unstoppable


  • Facebook and the Principal-Agent Problem

    Earlier this week, Mark Zuckerberg testified before the US Congress about User Privacy within The Facebook.

    Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress in April 2018
    Mark Zuckerberg testifies before Congress in April 2018

    Six months ago, this wasn’t even a conversation. (more…)

  • Persuasion Articles of the Week

    "Boy watches TV for the first time from an appliance store window 1948"
    “Boy watches TV for the first time from an appliance store window 1948”

    #trump #media #falsememories #privacy #whyweLie #brainscans #freewill #food #fakefood


  • What Donald Trump learned from his dad Fred

    In Chapter Three of The Art of the Deal, Donald Trump introduces us to his father Fred Trump. (more…)

  • Hopkins’ Great Mistake and Great Satisfaction (My Life in Advertising, Chapters 18 & 19)

    Successful people look successful from the outside. They only get that way by making (and learning from) many, many mistakes on their way to greatness.

    Claude C Hopkins made many mistakes in his career, as we’ve learned while reviewing his 1927 book, My Life in Advertising.

    5792666213_cc2c421477_oMost of Hopkins’ mistakes were small marketing and advertising tests. They were intentionally designed to have a successful outcome and a failed outcome, to refine his ads and better hone his craft.

    Chapter Eighteen, Hopkins’ Great Mistake. At age 21, Hopkins is advised by his boss, Mr. Bissel, to not get tied to the company. Hopkins remains an employee over the next decades while he watches others in his field build their own firms. He laments that he’s taken many risks that bring reward to the vendors or failure to the ad-man, while the ad firm gets the lion’s share of the earnings.

    Hopkins wishes he had struck out on his own. He eventually did, starting a successful cosmetics company.

    Nineteen, Some Personal Things. Hopkins talks about his lifelong love of work. He tells how he woke early to encourage the homeless to work. He inspired his daughter’s suitors to work harder. “They found that… winning a contract was better than winning a trophy.”

    At the end of his career, Hopkins is disinterested in his finances and doesn’t want to know the value of his property. Instead, “Now I have the privilege of setting down my findings for the men who follow me…. I have gained… the satisfaction of knowing that I have discovered some enduring principles.”

    This is the fifteenth part in a chapter-by-chapter summary of Claude C. Hopkins’ My Life in Advertising. First published in 1927, this book was as insightful then as it is today. I encourage you to sign up for PRL to learn more about persuasion and influence today!

  • Hopkins’ Essentials of Advertising (My Life in Advertising: Chapter 17)

    After reviewing Hopkins’ accomplishments, we get to the most important chapter of the book, Chapter Seventeen, Scientific Advertising.

    Hopkins compares advertisements with salespeople. Each must prove their worth. Track results to know what is effective and what is not. Some techniques won’t work in various industries.

    Image "Money bw" by Monochrome, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “Money bw” by Monochrome, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    But some truths are universal. Hopkins lays them out in this essential chapter.


  • The Three Interests An Advertisement Must Serve (My Life in Advertising: Chapter 16)

    I don’t know about you, but I’m wary of ads that push the status quo. “Everything’s OK,” they say. “We’re the brand you know and trust.” Those brands aren’t working to keep our business.

    Advertisements with selfish appeals don’t interest a reader. Advertising great Claude C. Hopkins stresses service in advertisement. It’s a theme throughout his book My Life in Advertising.

    Hopkins applied this service outlook in his advertisements and his career. Hopkins’ great success comes from service to others, not to himself.

    Chapter 16, “Reasons for Success,” focuses on the business of advertising.

    The influential advertising person, you, must serve three interests.

    Image "_MG_8515.jpg" by Tibor Kovacs, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “_MG_8515.jpg” by Tibor Kovacs, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
