Soft Power, Softer Pillows, and Ice-Cold War

Saint Paul

The cold war wasn’t just fought with stockpiles of weapons.

There was also nation-building happening on both sides.

America supported our allies, most notable West Germany. Russia supported theirs, including East Germany and Bulgaria.

And capitalism—through NATO and free trade—supported America’s aims… with a much softer message of prosperity and peace, not war and weapons.

Hilton Hotels were built in places like Turkey, near the Soviet-supported Bulgarian border.

Not so much because Istanbul was a particularly touristy location for a hotel… but because the founder, Conrad Hilton, wanted the people on the other side of the Iron Curtain to see what capitalism and free trade can do for a country.

Hilton wanted to project soft power.

“You, too, can afford modern luxuries… comfort… and clean water with friggin’ ice in it…” the Hilton Hotel whispered… “if you’re willing to let the free market operate without the central planning that’s part of Communism.”

That soft power takes time to work its magic, of course, but it’s there… burrowing into the minds of those who see and feel the soft pillows of the Hilton Hotels.

How’s this relate to copywriting?

I’ll reveal that and more in my upcoming presentation at B2B Forum in Boston.

But before that $2,195 event, I have to put in a few reps, get some practice.

I need to know what works… what to cut out… and what powerful secrets should remain secret.

So tomorrow, Friday Oct 18, I’m holding a live, invite-only version of my too-long presentation. It’s at 10am US Central time on Google Meet.

I’m calling it VaLuE Email Training. I’ll cover different ways businesses and copywriters can write emails that people want to open and read, and how you can spin them into sales.

If you’re a business owner or marketer with low email sales or zero email marketing, this is for you.

If you’re a copywriter looking for different ways to create content, emails, and marketing in general… this is for you.

But, let’s be honest, this is for me, too. So it’s not the $2,195 pricetag of B2B Forum.

It’s just $129. For zero additional info and a yellow Pay Now button, go here:

I’ll see you there, *|FNAME|*,
