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This week, PRL subscribers received letters regarding:
- Profiting from the Unpopular
- Humor in Persuasion
- Visual Persuasion with Images
- Clothing and Appearance
- Changing Minds
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‘Hyperscans’ Show How Brains Sync As People Interact
Brain scans show what happens when people interact — their brain activities begin to synchronize
What brain-bending magic tricks can teach us about the mind
How our visual sense overrides our logical brain, and how magic seeks to understand parts of the brain that science overlooks
Mr. Rogers Had a Simple Set of Rules for Talking to Children
Clarity in your message makes a huge difference to your audience
You cannot control the world around you; you can only control your reaction to it
As seen through the lens of Nudges, adding complexity (or friction) to an issue makes it less likely to happen
Pay Attention: Practice Can Make Your Brain Better at Focusing
Maintaining you focus helps you get more done and feel better