Persuasion Articles of the Week

"Robots" by Jeffrey Thomas, 2018
“Robots” by Jeffrey Thomas, 2018

#rockandroll #data #persuasion #weightloss

31 Ways to Change State

December (and 2018) is wrapping up soon! Prepare for a better 2019 by getting control over your emotions and impulses. Here are the first 21 of our 31 Ways to Change State


Jered Threatin

A fake “rockstar” shakes the music world with his ability to book tours and create a completely fabricated fanbase.


Implantable device aids weight loss

Our hunger is (in part) driven by the signals that our stomach sends to our brain via the Vagus Nerve. This new device sends signals along this pathway to indicate being full… before the user is actually full.


Data Science and the Art of Persuasion

Presenting findings from Big Data doesn’t always lead towards better decisions. These findings are often simplified or missed entirely in the “last mile” between “data scientists” finding that data, and the company executives putting it to use.


There Is No Such Thing as Conscious Thought

Thought is just a flow of electrons through our neural networks… (and, as an aside from this article, it’s been demonstrated that our bodies “think” with more than just our brains… just sayin’…)