#soccer #physics #buddhism #attraction #authority
Seven Suggestions on Improving Soccer Performance
The world cup is about wrapped up with the final game on Sunday the 15th (stream). Here are seven suggestions based in the art of persuasion to help improve your sports (or other) performance.
There Are No Laws of Physics. There’s Only the Landscape.
This is a mind-expanding introduction to the changes in recent years to the field of Physics. Everything we thought we knew was only a peripheral understanding of the multiple approaches available to reach… the, um… oh man I’m not even sure. Check it out.
6 Scientifically-Based Ways Men Can Be More Attractive to Women
Including “Grow a light beard” and “work through your cognitive discomforts.” The fact is there is no one perfect partner (“one-itis”). Everyone is going to have faults and attractive qualities, some of which they can’t change (height for example). Relationships take work and understanding.
Many Look To Buddhism For Sanctuary From An Over-Connected World
Buddhism works to calm our hyper minds by embracing the moment rather than worrying about things beyond our control, including the news, the future, and the past.
Jeffrey with PRL shares a few thoughts on Authority (video)
One of Robert Cialdini’s principles on influence and persuasion is Authority. Here are a few thoughts on Authority and why it’s so effective.