Persuasion Articles of the Week

The Vinegar Tasters is a story about Chinese religious leaders, either finding the Vinegar of Life to be Sour, Bitter, or Sweet. You decide.
The Vinegar Tasters is a story about Chinese ‘religious’ leaders, either finding the Vinegar of Life to be Sour, Bitter, or Sweet. On my birthday, Life is pretty Sweet.

#birthday #trance #hypnosis #vr #memory #because #yes #visualmessage

It’s my Birthday! 39 Things I’ve Learned in This Life

39 reflections and advice I give to myself. As Seneca wrote in his Letter 26, On Death and Old Age, “This is what I say to myself, but I would have you think that I have said it to you also.”


People sometimes unwillingly go into hypnotic trance states — here’s how you can learn to use them for good

If you daydream in the middle of a conversation, Milton Erickson has taught us, you are entering a trance state. Visualization can be a part of this. During these times you are more susceptible to suggestion, as your active brain is focused elsewhere and the auditory inputs are being passed directly to your subconscious.


Gillette Children’s using Virtual Reality to transport patients out of hospital

Your visual input overrides most other senses, and creates your reality.


Is This the Single Most Persuasive Word in the English Language?

The word “Because” gives your brain a reason to consider an idea. Once an idea is in the brain, it’s more likely to be accepted, if only temporarily. Robert Cialdini wrote about this in Influence and Simon Sinek uses this as his basis for Start with Why.


Memory Changes Every Time You Access It

Your memory is fluid. Over time, it can become completely inaccurate.


The Power of Yes (Periscope video)

Putting people into a positive frame of mind will improve the chances they want to work towards your goals. Starting with Yes and asking questions with positive associations is far better than asking how someone is doing today.