Persuasion Articles of the Week

"Brain" by the Lovelorn Poets, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
“Brain” by the Lovelorn Poets, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

#rapport #confidence #conversation #science #drugs #meditation

Use This Easy Visual to Help Build Rapport

Use this visual that I learned in my Dale Carnegie Institute course to help you start and hold conversations with people, building rapport and influence in the process.


Rude people secretly impress us, even if we don’t really like them

People we perceive as Rude seem to live by different rules than others.


Scientists studying psychoactive drugs accidentally proved the self is an illusion

The “self” comes from inside. Seeing your “self” from the outside can alter your understanding of reality. Meditation and Drugs are two avenues to this new understanding.


The serendipity test

Scientific advancements often come from mistakes or unexpected results in a science lab. Can this randomness and it’s effectiveness be measured?