Persuasion Articles of the Week

Image " L1009153 A Big Smile from the High Tibetan Plateau" by DaiLuo, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
Image “L1009153 A Big Smile from the High Tibetan Plateau” by DaiLuo, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

There are 19 types of smiles

Good information to further your understanding of body language.

The Power of Pride at Facebook

Pride in your company helps drive engagement and happiness.

‘Horrible’ pictures of suffering moved Trump to action on Syria

Visual Imagery on television news influenced Trump’s decision to bomb Syria after the chemical weapon attack.

The Crisis of Attention Theft

Our brains can only focus on one thing at a time. Wired reports on adverts whose purpose is to steal our attention when we’re already captive to the situation.


And of course, who could have missed United Airlines this week, where they employed police to brutally remove a passenger who was selected to be bumped. Regardless of the facts of this case, the emotions involved have taken a toll on United’s stock prices and public goodwill towards the company.