no good, very bad day

Saint Paul


I woke up grumpy.

I don’t know why.

After some coffee, I tried to pay my water bill. The “new” account setup forced me to stop getting paper invoices.

Sent an email asking them to fix this: I want real, paper bills in the real postal mail please!

They responded that I hadn’t set up my account correctly so they couldn’t change anything… yet I was able to pay the bill?

Next—from someone else—I got an email asking me to confirm my schedule. But it contained no link to said schedule. Sure, let me dig.

Then I logged into work… and got grumpier still:

One of my promo emails was completely rewritten into a “clever,” confusing mess.

I don’t have the energy to fight it—other fires are burning.

Most days don’t go according to plan. I understand that.

But some days just flat out stink.

Guess what though?

None of these things are real problems.

They’re just confirming that it’s a bad day.

And if it were a good day they’d be minor bumps in the road… and confirm nothing!

So I put on some tunes (Black Keys’ El Camino) and got started on dinner, some 5 hours early.

Now dinner’s in the oven, my mood is much improved, and I’m back to pounding the keyboard.

Just wanted to check in on you, to let you know that when YOU have a bad day, it’ll be ok.

It doesn’t occur to me in at the right times always, but I do like the idea that:

“If it won’t matter in 5 years, it probably doesn’t matter now.”

Love you,


PS Apple just announced an iPad 11, so the older iPad 10 is on sale right now.

I snapped one up for an upcoming birthday gift—but finding a protective case for it just made me more grumpy.

Anyways. Find it here if you’re looking for a nice deal.