Mystery Radio STEALS Energy

Saint Paul

I slept in today.

Just a little, like 15 minutes past my usual.

Because I was up late, hearing voices and music in my house like a muffled radio somewhere.

It wasn’t coming from the basement bathroom radio.

It wasn’t coming from the living room hi-fi.

It wasn’t coming from outside.

In fact, I couldn’t find it anywhere.

I laid in bed, listening to the basslines of the music. Trying to figure out what the announcers were talking about. Hearing the commercials.

And all the while, wondering if it was just in my head.

Because in some rooms of the house, I could hear it. And in others, I could not.

And this mystery kept me up later than usual.

To write copy… come up with ideas and angles and reasons-why… I need a certain level of energy.

And between the mysterious radio program that kept me up, and a new project I’ve spent the day on… I am out of gas.

So other projects… are pushed back a bit.

Because while I never found the source of that music…

I have found a nice couch to take a nap on.

And if you have such a luxury to nap when you need it—take advantage. Your work and family with both thank you.