My Cheap Brother Brought Me a Hot Chicken Dinner.

2:49pm Friday
Saint Paul

I’ve been swamped the last two weeks, in a good way.

I started writing Facebook ads with a new client and it’s been a lot of fun.

One hook I wrote has me laughing maniacally and I’m not sure why. But it’s definitely not a hook that’s used in this market… or maybe anywhere:

“My Cheap Brother Brought Me a Hot Chicken Dinner”

Even now… I can’t stop giggling about it.

My kids don’t think it’s funny and don’t understand why I’m laughing.

I don’t understand why either, other than that it’s unexpected I guess.

Novelty fires off dopamine in the brain, curiosity keeps people watching.

Here’s something I learned about lead gen ads on Facebook:

Tons of lead-gen ads basically reuse footage from competitors. If you see ads with similar creative, there’s a good chance none of the media buyers even know where the original footage came from. It’s just been compiled and passed around for so long…

It’s like that meme, “Bro I totally stole that ad from you.” “It’s OK, I stole it from someone else.”

Of course, I’ll never find an old meme when thousands of new ones are created every day.

But I found something close. It was kinda like this, but for marketing:

I stole your marketing ideas and your copy!

Of course, the ads where we create our own footage perform better for sure, because no one has seen that yet.

Novelty fires off dopamine in the brain, curiosity keeps people watching.

And I got some other good news today, *|FNAME|*.

A client who doesn’t like my work doesn’t want me to write for her anymore.

Huge win in my book.

I have zero interest in writing for a client who doesn’t like what I write.

Her departure takes a load off from my plate and means my weekend is gonna be FIRE.

Not because I don’t have to work—weekends are for family and church so I almost never work on a weekend anyways.

But it’s gonna be fire because I’m feeling good. And now I can reach out to a few people on my waiting list, see how their copy is converting and if they’d like some help.

Maybe I’ll even get a hot chicken dinner.


P.S. There’s a new Dave’s Hot Chicken restaurant in the neighborhood and they don’t sell thighs or anything other than chicken strips. Spicy chicken strips, boring chicken strips, and chicken strips on a bun.

Did you know: chicken strips are not adult food.

P.P.S. If your business needs written things—and pretty much all businesses do—write me back and tell me about it. If it looks interesting and like something I can help with, I’ll add you to my waiting list.

Because novelty fires off dopamine in the brain, curiosity keeps people watching.

And boring ads are the chicken strips of marketing.