Adds 4 hours of uninterrupted time to your day—to do anything you’d like!

Saint Paul Minn

Last we chatted, I told you my son and I had camped out in the back yard.

Here’s the sequel.

So, because “income,” I spent Friday working.

Which means the tent didn’t come down.

Which gave my son Sam a reason to bug me to sleep a second night in the tent.

He was relentless, and so I relented.

Come Friday night, we followed the same routine:

8:45, head to the tent.

Read until it was too dark to read.

And fall asleep.

Now, the first night of this, I slept until 7:30 in the morning.

I never get 10 hours of sleep. It was glorious!

(And you maybe know I like sleeping on the floor anyways, so this was awesome in that respect too.)

But night two?

I was already rested. I didn’t need 10 more hours of sleep.

And I woke up at 2:30am. And that was it.

I tried counting sheep.

Then I prayed the rosary.

Counted some more.

But by 3:30 in the morning, I knew sleep wasn’t returning any time soon.

So I plugged in my headphones and listened to an “advanced” copywriting training I recently picked up.

It has some new ideas in there. And some not-so-new ideas, to me. But still good ideas.

Here’s a good not-so-new one: make your product do the work. Not the person.

For example, “Clean Your Dishes with Dawn” does better as “Dawn Cleans Your Dishes.” The second one makes it seem like you don’t have to work, the soap does.

Or “Make More Sales By Writing Direct Response Copy” implies you have to write the copy.

“Direct Response Copy Makes More Sales” is a better way to put it. You still have to write the copy either way—but the second option makes it seem like the copy is doing the work. Or of course, I can write the copy for you and you don’t have to do any work.


At 5am, I got out of the tent and built a fire and continued listening to the training until the son rose and poked his little head out of the tent.

“Hey dad. Ooh, a fire.”

I grabbed him a chair and he sat down.

Not sure I could do go to bed that early all the time.

But having those four hours of uninterrupted time in the morning was gold.

A laptop mighta been nice, for productivity’s sake.

But we were camping, after all.