Category: Opinion

  • Two Wrongs Make a Right

    This morning my kids were arguing about Friday’s plans with Grandma.

    The older sister was trying to tell the younger brother Friday’s plan, and he was arguing back with his understanding of the plan.

    “No! On Friday you’re going…”


    Thing is… neither was correct!

    And that didn’t matter, because the plans are still up in the air anyways.

    On the way to school I like to discuss ideas of self-improvement with my kids. (more…)

  • Advice from a World-Renowned Copywriter (Robert Collier Letter Book, Part 1)

    I’m sitting at the dining room table, hand writing some of the sales letters from the Robert Collier Letter Book while my licorice tea cools off.

    Robert Collier Letter Book, 6th Edition, with the library punch card
    Robert Collier Letter Book, 6th Edition, with the library punch card

    Collier was a direct mail writer, successfully selling all kinds of products during his career, including jewelry, tires, books, and clothing.

    Hand writing successful sales letters like these helps to slow down and focus your brain, while (more…)

  • Seeing is Believing

    Millennials may think they’re a different breed.

    Perhaps, the reasoning goes, because they grew up in a distracting environment… their brains have adapted to the distractions of our fast paced world!

    "Brained" by Jose, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Brained” by Jose, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    I frequently hear, “Maybe this generation is different!”

    Attempts to outlaw competitive sports or bullying rely on that same flawed belief — that somehow humans are reaching a new level of consciousness. Finally.

    For all the drum-beating about “Science!” it’s amazing to see how many people (more…)

  • 10 Things You’ll Learn From The Secret of Selling Anything by Harry Browne

    While the financial reward of being a good salesman has it’s

    Harry Browne's "The Secret of Selling Anything"
    Harry Browne’s “The Secret of Selling Anything”

    appeal, I’ve not historically been good at selling things to people. (Or at least that’s the story I’ve told myself!)

    The last time I was trying to “sell” (as a career) was during the down economy in the early 2000s.

    No one was buying, and I wasn’t making any money trying.

    I’m an introvert, mostly — again, one of the things that I tell myself. I’ve practiced becoming more extroverted. I’ve intentionally put myself into situations where I need to be more extroverted.

    One reason I’m drawn to persuasion because I see it as a way to interact with people. It allows me to better understand their motivations and behaviors, and to better connect with them. It pushes me to do so.

    Sales, on the other hand, is a whole different beast of persuasion. To be “salesy” meant (more…)

  • “Obvious Adams” by Robert Updegraff (Persuasion Play Podcast 003)

    I started the persuasion and marketing book reviews on (now Goldmine.Marketing) in 2016. The first was My Life in Advertising by Claude C. Hopkins, a classic written in 1927.

    Since then, I’ve summarized my favorite lessons from dozens of books — and I have dozens of other marketing, copywriting, and persuasion books on my shelf that I’ve read but not written about.

    Can you justify such behavior? Image from Steve Martin's movie "The Jerk", 1979
    Image from Steve Martin’s movie “The Jerk”, 1979

    It’s been fun and educational on my end — and I hope on your end too!

    As I continue along my journey, learning about the forces that influence us and how we, in turn, can influence the world around us, I was bound to (more…)

  • 13 Words to Identify Mind Readers

    Dear reader, we’ve discussed mind-reading, remember? We know it’s probably not real… right?

    Maybe it is, maybe it’s not. That’s beside the point. Honestly I don’t know the scope of reality beyond what my brain understands, and I’m sure there’s a lot I don’t understand.

    A wise man is never certain about anything!

    So I don’t know if some specially attuned people can read minds or not… but I’m pretty sure that your run-of-the-mill news reporter cannot.

    Image "Newspapers B&W (3)" by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Image “Newspapers B&W (3)” by Jon S, Flickr, CC-By-2.0


  • Just Give Away all the Library Books!

    I just finished reading the Saint Paul newspaper.

    It seems our mayor wants to do away with library fines.

    New fines, old fines, all of the fines… out the door.

    Here we are, a society that can’t accept enough responsibility to iron a shirt…

    and now we’re removing one of the few driving forces that encourage people to return books on time?

    I think it’s… ridiculous, pandering, expensive… and… after thinking it over…

    possibly a great idea! (more…)

  • 10 Things I Learned from “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday

    Much of what we think of as “persuasion” is really “motivation.”

    The secret to “motivating people” is to find what already motivates them, and to tap into that. Because you’re not likely to change someone’s mind, and…

    people aren’t going to work against their own happiness.

    "The Obstacle is the Way" by Ryan Holiday
    “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday

    A great way to tap into existing motivations is to frame your argument in a way that encompasses the interests of each group. (more…)

  • Interesting Developments

    A few days ago I asked my email list if they had any side projects going on, any hobbies to direct their creative energies, any businesses they were trying to build.

    Photo "001102" by my new favorite photographer Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    Photo “001102” by my new favorite photographer
    Alexey Gaponov, Flickr, CC-By-2.0

    I heard back from a few of my most excellent subscribers (thanks!) sharing some cool side projects. Photography and drop-shipping are among of the responses that I share an interest in.

    One reader, William, wrote in, and he and I had a little conversation… William mentioned that he had an interest in side projects… but was having a hard time finding something interesting enough to spend his valuable time. (more…)

  • 4 Ways to Combat Reactance

    Last week we discussed Reactance.

    Reactance is people’s natural resistance to your suggestions. People prefer the known, they don’t want to change the status quo. If you suggest a change…

    “What makes you so smart!?”

    As people of influence, how do we combat people’s natural resistance to being told what to do?

    This past weekend I attended a kid’s birthday party with my 5 year old daughter.

    The party is at a gymnastics gym in the suburbs. Short and sweet and cake and we’re outta there. The staff takes care of everything, pretty good setup with minimal fuss for the parents.

    "Friends :-)" by @BK, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
    “Friends :-)” by @BK, Flickr, CC-By-2.0
