Category: Articles and News
Persuasion Articles of the Week
“MM00014750x” from Florida Keys Public Library, Flicker CC-By-2.0 -
Identity on the Baseball Field
Identity is a major influencer in our lives. People identify with their in-group and exclude the out-group.
You’ve probably heard of Jane Elliott’s experiment with school children. In the 1960s, she instructed her students to treat other kids differently based on their eye color. The moment the in-groups and out-groups was defined, the kids treated their friends completely different.
Sport teams define identity for many people. (more…)
Persuasion Articles of the Week
Photo “Black & White” by Dean Strelau, Flickr, CC-By-2.0 -
Persuasion Articles of the Week
We must submit our advertisements to the court of public opinion. “Engineering Department employees, 1962, Item 74240” by Seattle Municipal Archives, Flickr, CC-By-2.0 -
Persuasion Articles of the Week
Persuasion Articles of the Week
Persuasion Articles of the Week
“Brains” by Neil Conway, Flickr, CC-By-2.0