Beware: Mark Twain’s Spider LOVES A Quiet Business

Saint Paul

Business Owner, beware of the lesson in this quote from author and advertiser-for-hire, Mark Twain:

“The spider looks for a merchant who doesn’t advertise so he can spin a web across his door and lead a life of undisturbed peace!”

Find people who want what you offer. Advertise to bring them in. Repeat.

But then what?

Either you’re under-marketing, and need new ideas to bring in customers…

Or you’re too busy to keep up, which–according to Econ 101–means prices are too low.

The trick is to find the balance betwixt the two, as Twain might say.

Love you,


PS. “But what IF prices are too HIGH?” one might ask.

Lowering prices should be a last ditch effort, for most non-commodities (and even many commodities).

Don’t devalue yourself or your goods.

Instead, raise the value of doing business with you–real or perceived.

Find reasons to make people happy to spend more money.

In any of these three situations, maybe I can help? Let’s talk. Book some time here to chat about ideas now.