Authentic Marketing with Jim Clair (Persuasion Play Podcast 012)

Jim Clair is a direct response copywriter who spent years in the relationship and health niches, among others.

But after a few years Jim started to realize that something was severely scammy in the direct response marketing world.

So he quit!

Join Jim and I for this fascinating peek behind the curtain of internet gurus, direct response, motivational authors, getting more out of your reading time, and more.

Jim and I talk about…

  • Need to really “get” a new idea or product? Mortimer Adler’s method to maximize your exposure and understanding to any idea. You can go as deep as you want on any topic—or keep it light yet fulfilling. (2:44)
  • Why your very own self-improvement desires may be stunting your self-improvement! (4:11)
  • Was Napoleon Hill—author of Think and Grow Rich—a total sham? Jim tells the incredible story behind some of my favorite motivational books (including TGR, Power of Positive Thinking, and others!) (7:44)
  • Working on a positive mindset? Think again. Jim shares how his focus on mindset distracted him larger lessons (17:08)
  • How to break free from the “approved methods” of online hustling to find your own way in marketing (19:00)
  • Do you know Bill, the course-selling, business-coaching, Clickbank disaster? The true back story of Jim’s fictional Bill—including the character’s real-life influences (22:11)
  • How a Clickbank success can lead to financial ruin! (23:14)
  • Don’t follow today’s hot methods! Jim explains that his marketing team focused on what worked—while the formulaic “B Offers” often flopped (24:56)
  • Why there are so many digital marketing gurus—and Jim names names and dishes dirt (26:30)
  • The dangers of digital marketing conventions for ambitious marketers and entrepreneurs (28:00)
  • Your opportunity to stand out in both Direct Response and Brand Advertising (29:53)
  • Sell aggressively with authentic messaging. Here’s where to start (32:27)
  • Why you should reconsider the Hero’s Journey in your marketing (35:10)
  • How to leverage your weaknesses to grow your business—without faking social proof (38:15)
  • Never tell a prospect, “I’ll send my Calendy link!” Here’s a better way you can build business relationships (40:10)
  • Why you should give credit to your sources (46:45)
  • “Here’s the guy that wrote the promo!” But no one listened—they were all rushing to buy the untrue NLP breakdown (49:35)
  • Want to get Jim’s sales letter breakdowns and ideas on business success? Jim shares what’s happening with his project, “The Good Word” (53:07)

You can find more from Jim at and on Twitter at @FindJimClair.

Thank you Jim for your time!

Persuasion Play Podcast from Goldmine Marketing · Authentic Marketing with Jim Clair

You can also find Jim’s interview directly on Soundcloud at

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