Alpha Wave Sales Copy

Saint Paul

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?

Like… the very first thing?

After a night of sleep, your morning brain produces alpha waves.

Alpha waves create a state of mental relaxation and alertness.

And because you’re relaxed… your critical, self-defensive mental guard isn’t up.

Meaning any information you feed your brain during an alpha state gets much more easily accepted by your subconscious.

So the very first thing you do in the morning should NOT be to feed fear-inducing “news” stories into your head… or to stress about the projects waiting for you that day… or scroll social media to compare your life with someone else…

Instead, take a few minutes to harness the alpha state and feed yourself positive ideas, affirmations, and gratitude.

There are other ways to get your brain into alpha wave state.

Meditation. Stillness. Prayer. More gratitude.


…believe it or not…

Good sales copy.

Let me explain.

Copywriters often focus on building up FEAR in their copy…

And once that fire is sufficiently stoked and roaring…

The copywriter presents an offer that solves the fear and offers sweet sweet relief.

Does that work?


But not for every product in every market.

So to sell with copy in other markets, other approaches are needed.

And getting your reader into a relaxed state—by writing something that interests them—can then flow into an offer that they’re more willing to accept.

And it should be just that: an offer. Take it or leave it, no harm no foul.

My offer to you today:

Reply to this email and tell me what you’re working on. It could be a hobby, or a new business, or your copywriting journey.

I’m genuinely interested to hear from you.

And when you do, I’ll send you a link to a 121-year-old book (as a PDF) about harnessing your thoughts. It’s a short but powerful read—and one that should be re-read every year to fully grasp it’s message.

I love you,
